Dervish Sanders. May 22, 2022 at 10:59 PM.
The church of Satan loves Ayn Rand.
Thought Criminal. May 23, 2022 at 5:19 AM.
So does Jesus. And?
Dervish Sanders. May 23, 2022 at 11:50 AM.
Satan loves Ayn Rand more. She served him well during her time on earth. That the evil Objectivist philosophy lives on brings Satan great joy.
Thought Criminal. May 23, 2022 at 4:41 PM.
The evil Objectivist philosophy that you've never read and can't explain.
Dervish Sanders. May 23, 2022 at 6:54 PM.
No, not that one.
Thought Criminal. May 24, 2022 at 1:38 AM.
Which one then? Explain it.
Dervish Sanders. May 24, 2022 at 6:39 AM.
"Objectivism" is an ideology for egomanial narcissistic sociopaths who believe they're better than most people. They measure success in terms of money. Why they look down on poor people and have little to no empathy for them. Mostly they view the poor with contempt (Ayn Rand said the poor are parasites). I view it as similar to a belief in the "prosperity gospel", except each egomaniacal Objectivist sees him or herself as the center of the universe (why Rand believed the world would end when she died). They love no one more than they love themselves.
donald tRump, an egomanial narcissistic sociopath, is an Ayn Rand fan. Though he is definitely not an Objectivist. I point out this obvious fact because, if I did not, I am sure that is what you would assume I am saying. Ayn Rand has many fans within the republican party. Even though she would surely not be fans of theirs.
btw, I am 100 percent positive my response will be declared by you as proving your assertion that I don't know what Objectivism is and that I can't explain it. What I wrote will be viewed by you as more blithering idiocy and further proof of my extreme stupidity.
Thought Criminal. May 24, 2022 at 7:13 AM.
You're right. Objectivism is an ideology. But then you went downhill with nonsense about narcissism and sociopaths. Your last paragraph is little more than self-fulfilling prophecy. Make it hard on me... actually know what you're talking about so we can have a good discussion. I'm not asking for a term paper with footnotes. I mean seriously, do you actually believe Donald Trump would risk a paper cut trying to read a book, much less an Ayn Rand book? Be serious. You're not even coming up with a good caricature of Objectivism. Try again.
Dervish Sanders. May 24, 2022 at 11:39 AM.
tRump probably watched the 1949 movie and said "I'm like Gary Cooper". As for YOUR nonsense re Objectivism not being an ideology for narcissistic sociopaths - you are one. Clearly you enjoy insulting people you incorrectly perceive yourself to be more intelligent than. But all your comments do is prove you are a blithering idiot. I stand by my prior comment. I accurately summarized Objectivism.
Thought Criminal. May 24, 2022 at 5:06 PM.
You spew a lot of belittling insults in, well, just about every comment you make here. Very narcissistic, certainly sociopathic. Are you an Objectivist? Or does Objectivism have a set definition that you can't address because, you know, you don't have a clue about it.
Dervish Sanders. May 25, 2022 at 5:00 AM.
I don't care if my hate for your hate offends you. Or if my response IN KIND to your insults offends you either. How could I be an Objectivist if I "don't have a clue about it"?
Thought Criminal. May 25, 2022 at 6:04 AM.
I'm not an Objectivist, but I don't go out of my way to "other" them as the enemy as you do. Perhaps you haven't made an impact in your war on Objectivism because you don't know what it is? You keep throwing all your weight into pushing a door clearly marked "pull." It's cartoonish.
Dervish Sanders. May 25, 2022 at 3:05 PM.
Ayn Rand said "Life or death is man's only fundamental alternative. To live is his basic act of choice. If he chooses to live, a rational ethics will tell him what principles of action are required to implement his choice. If he does not choose to live, nature will take its course".
If a poor person does not have enough money to feed themselves and starves, or cannot afford health insurance and dies from a treatable condition, Rand does not care, as it was the poor persons choice to die. I call that evil. Evil is the enemy of good.
Thought Criminal. May 26, 2022 at 5:31 AM.
If a poor person does not have enough money to feed themselves, then he knows what he needs and will take action to acquire it. Or starve to death. He's either got a rational self-interest in survival, or he does not. And? Why is it "evil" that suicidal behavior results in death?
Dervish Sanders. May 26, 2022 at 10:23 AM.
Jonathan Judaken says ...Jews Should Embrace Critical Race Theory. In 26 states, including Tennessee where I live and teach, lawmakers have introduced or passed legislation that preempts the teaching of Critical Race Theory (or CRT) in public schools.
Jews should resist this crusade. It is based on a manufactured moral panic... Instead, Jews should embrace critical race theory, knowing that some of its progenitors, along with contemporary practitioners like me, are Jews committed to fighting the entangled history of racisms in all their forms.
Anti-CRT laws are part of a global backlash designed to quell the reckoning with racism unleashed by the murder of George Floyd. Jews should oppose these laws and lean into the insights of critical race theory, some of which were shaped by Jewish antiracist theorists. We should do so because anti-Semitism is on the rise, we need to build coalitions in the struggle against it, and the resources of critical race theory can help us to analyze it more acutely. Ultimately, we should embrace critical race theory because the core Jewish narrative in the Bible is a story about the movement of a people from slavery to freedom, which is precisely the goal of Critical Race Theory.
Jonathan Judaken is the... author, editor, or co-editor of 6 books, he is currently completing a manuscript entitled, Critical Theories of Anti-Semitism: Confronting Modernity and Modern Judeophobia. Article published on Tikkun, which is a quarterly interfaith Jewish left-progressive website and magazine.
Beamishderp: ...then he knows what he needs and will take action to acquire it.
Apply for food stamps. But Objectivists are opposed to the existence of social safety net programs. Poor people are OPPOSED to the elimination of social safety net programs because they are NOT suicidal. Objectivists are homicidal. They want (as articulated by Rand) poor people to die by denying them help.
Ayn Rand: The fact that a man has no claim on others (i.e., that it is not their moral duty to help him...)
It is our moral duty to help others. Both individually and collectively through our government. Ayn Rand was wrong.
Thought Criminal. May 26, 2022 at 7:22 PM.
It's my moral duty to kill thieves.
Dervish Sanders. May 27, 2022 at 3:42 AM.
Are you a serial killer? There are a LOT of people who receive food stamps. They are all thieves it is your moral duty to murder? I hope you get the death penalty. No life behind bars mooching off the taxpayer for you!
Joe Conservative. May 28, 2022 at 6:37 AM.
Some post-Randian thought.
Thought Criminal. May 28, 2022 at 8:08 AM.
Adam Smith wasn't wrong, he was just monogamous. He lived in a time before hedge funds and diversified portfolios. ;)
Thought Criminal. May 28, 2022 at 8:13 AM.
Are you a serial killer? There are a LOT of people who receive food stamps. They are all thieves it is your moral duty to murder? I hope you get the death penalty. No life behind bars mooching off the taxpayer for you!
You're just not advanced enough in your socialism to feed, clothe, house, and give health care to the cotton pickers you train with a whip. All half-assed, you even let them wander off to the liquor store.