The "obsession of three" is something the Libertarian blogger rAtional nAtion identified with a comment on his blog "rAtional nAtion uSA".
rAtional nAtion: As for Dervish? Don't bet on it. He seems to have "the obsession of 3". This time it was Will's turn (6/17/2015 AT 03:46:00 PM EDT). |
What rAtional means when he says "don't bet on it" is that Dennis Marks (who he is responding to with this comment) is that Dennis should not bet on the discussion "fueling an obsession with Will's clothes".
Why would I be obsessed with Will's clothes? Because he said "I'll eat my hat (along with my tie and trousers) if this guy [Donald Trump] runs [for president]". Then rAtional replied that he would hold him to it.
Since rAtional said he'd hold Willis to eating these clothing items, I followed up (after Trump did indeed announce), with a comment in which I said that I thought Willis should post a video on YouTube showing him eating his hat, tie and trousers (as proof).
In response, rAtional presumed that my comment was a part of my "hateful agenda" against him. In addition to it being part of my "obsession of 3".
The "three" being Willis Hart, Dennis Marks and rAtional nAtion. The "obsession" labeling stemming from the fact that I've created stand-alone blogs dedicated to each of these individuals.
Why did I do this? In regards to Dennis Marks, I created the blog The Truth About Dennis Marks in his honor (on 2/21/2014), because he announced on the blog of Willis Hart that he was doing a series of commentaries purporting to reveal the "truth" about yours truly. Turns out he was lying. It was a little joke by him. He made his blog private so I could not look at it, and then posted links to these truth-telling commentaries on the blog of Willis... when, in reality, there were no truth-telling commentaries.
But I assumed there were. Or, I thought there might be, but I suspected he might be lying. Although, given the fact that his blog was (and still is) private, I could not look and see for myself if his first commentary The Truth About Dervish actually told the "truth" about me. (by "truth" I mean lies. What lies were on Dennis' blog, if any, I did not know).
So I decided to author my own commentary, this one to tell the truth about Dennis and his MANY lies. Which inspired me to create the aforementioned blog. So, that is how that "obsession" came to be. It was prompted by Dennis' constant vile lying.
In regards to Willis Hart, the blog I created in his honor (on 3/6/2014), Oligarchic Stooge Talk (OST), was set up by me after Willis banned me from further comment on his blog (on 8/30/2012).
The banning was something that came about suddenly after he was OK with me commenting on his blog for several years. (see the first OST commentary for more information on why the blog was created).
As for the date discrepancy (Willis banned me on 8/30/2012 and I did not create OST until 3/6/2014)... at first I accepted the banning and went away. Later, I came back and started submitting comments (even though he did not publish them... although he did read them). Then he stopped reading them (out of a frantic desire to protect his echo chamber).
On 9/04/2013 I created a stand-alone page on SWTD (my primary blog) and used that page to respond to posts on Willis' blog.
It wasn't until sometime after 1/12/2014 that I got the idea to do a whole new blog. The idea prompted by the following comment by rAtional nAtion (left on the aforementioned page).
rAtional nAtion: As this scroll is getting exceedingly lengthy why not start a page two with comment 101, page three with comment 201 and so on? I mean if you're going to continue with chronicling your fascination with Contra O'Reilly and Will. (1/12/2014 AT 10:15pm). |
As for the 3rd individual who comprises the "obsession of 3", rAtional nAtion, the blog I created in his honor came about on 4/4/2014, when (during a period of time that rAtional had decided I was banned from his blog), Willis Hart said to rAtional "doesn't he already have a blog that's dedicated entirely to you? I thought that he did", and rAtional replied that YES, I did have one.
Which was false. I did not (at the time) have a blog dedicated to him. So, given the fact that rAtional obviously desired a blog by me dedicated to him SO MUCH that he imagined I had already made one... I decided to oblige him and create one. Although, this time (for fun) I decided this new blog would be a spoof of rAtional's blog RNUSA.
In any case, Mr. nAtion seemed to appreciate the spoof, as he voiced his approval with the following comment...
rAtional nAtion: LMAO! You've really out done yourself this time. Keep em coming Dervo, keep em coming. You're a gas dude. (3/27/2014 AT 2:18pm). |
And, in addition to this comment, he also authored a post on RNUSA to plug the spoof blog. But now I'm convinced rAtional lied and was simply attempting to drum up condemnation for me amongst the readers of RNUSA. Indeed, he lied in the comment thread to this post, claiming that I sent him "daily e-mails", which I did not (no daily emails, and no daily comments). Although it is possible rAtional was simply confused, as I did send him a few comments, although only a few and they were not sustained (and absolutely not "daily").
Now, instead of enthusiasm, he says I have an "hateful agenda" against him (the agenda being the spoof blog). Although I have since discontinued spoofing him. Whether or not he noticed this, I do not know. Hopefully there will be no more whines about "hateful agendas" in the future. Even though the spoof wasn't motivated by hate, but only done for fun.
As for "Irrational Delusions", why I created it was explained with my introductory post. rAtional claimed I had a "hateful agenda", which I did (and do) not consider a spoof blog to represent, which is why I decided to create a proper "agenda" blog to replace the spoof one.
Anyway, the point of this commentary (in addition to explaining and responding to this "obsession of 3" comment by Mr. Nation, is to show that this whole dedicated blog thing (the "obsession of 3") started (in part) as a response to requests by the rAtional fEllow. First, he asked me to do something about the comment thread on the page I set up on SWTD getting long... so I created OST.
The spoof blog was created in response to Nation saying I already had a blog for him (when I did not). So I made one. This final blog came about when Nation referred to a spoof/joke blog as "hateful"... which it wasn't. Although, it was the blog for Dennis that came first. So he bears more responsibility for the "obsession of 3" than the rAtional gUy.
Anyway, the spoof sight is done (probably. I am not going to promise that it will never be revived), so I needed this one to replace it. In order to maintain the "obsession of 3". Given that it's a waste of time to argue with Nation about there not being an obsession - he will believe what he wants no matter what I say... so, instead I will do my best to fulfill the obsession. Or at least make a good effort to live up to what Nation believes to be true.
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